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​"Chigiri-e" (paper collage) Artist
*chigiri = to tear (the paper) / e = a picture

Aki Yamanaka was born in Kochi, Japan in 1985.
After an opportunity to meet a washi (Japanese hand made paper) craftsman in his hometown, he began working on "Chigiri-e" and immersed himself in the exploration of its technique to create a magnificent work of art. And he is now energetically exhibiting his work and also playing a role in its popularization in his hometown at the same time.

Aki Yamanaka's works cannot be simply described as "Chigiri-e (paper collage) in a few words, as the process is insanely delicate and takes a tremendous amount fo time and effort. In a sense, it is no exaggeration to say that this work overturns the common concept of "Chigiri-e".

The first step is to tear down the Washi (Japanese traditional paper), which is a sheet of countless Kozo (mulberry) fibers, to its fiber state as a material. The individual fibers are then used as animal hairs to create realistic works of art which is a tableau of fibers with overwhelming resolution.

Considering the fact that the material, the Washi (especially the "Tosa Tengu-jo paper", which is his local specialties), is already the product of a phenomenal work process, the commitment to craftsmanship that his work embodies is astonishing.

1985     Born in Kochi Japan Currently lives in Kochi

2011     Start Collage(Chigiri-e) work


2019     His work was gifted to Japanese Emperor, Empress, and Queen Akiko.


2020     “FUTOUFUKUTSU(Indomitable)” won Gold Award at 33 rd All Japan JapanesePaper Painting/Picture Exhibition


2021     “SOCHINOSHI” won Grand Prize at 34 rd All Japan JapanesePaper Painting/Picture Exhibition



2023    First solo exhibition "Paper Resolution" at OKYAKU

2023  okyaku editorial market : issue 02 at OKYAKU

2023  UROCO「inanimate scenery, animate scenery.」at Chiang Mai, Thailand

2024    "A Pure Gazer" -Paper ResolutionⅡ at kawakaze garden & at Quarter Room

2025      "KEKKOUKEDARAKE" at gallery Tsukihime





Aki Yamanakaの作品は、一言で、端的に 「ちぎり絵」と形容してしまうには、その工程は あまりに狂気的なまでに繊細で、途方もない時間と手数によって成っている。 それは、ある意味「ちぎり絵」のこれまでの概念を覆すものと言っても過言ではない。 漉き上げられた、無数の繊維の集合体(シート)である和紙を、繊維の状態まで再度ちぎり(解き) 植毛するかの如く一本一本の繊維 を、動物の体毛に見立て、具象に再構築する。 圧倒的な「解像度」を持った繊維のタブロー。 素材となっている土佐典具帖紙が既に途方もない下処理と作業の産物であることを考えると 作品にかけられた狂気的なものづくりへの執着も窺える。

1985年 高知県高知市生まれ、同地在住。

2011年 ちぎり絵を開始する

2019年 天皇皇后両陛下、彬子女王殿下への献上品として作品を献上

2020年 作品『不撓不屈』第33回全国和紙画展 金賞受賞

2021年 作品『蚤知之士』第34回全国和紙画展 大賞受賞


2023年 初個展「紙の解像度 Paper Resolution 」@OKYAKU

2023年 グループ展 okyaku editorial market : issue 02 @OKYAKU

2023年 UROCOキュレーション「inanimate scenery, animate scenery.」@Chiang Mai, Thailand


2024年 個展「"A Pure Gazer" 紙の解像度その弍-Paper ResolutionⅡ」@川風のガーデン & @Quarter Room


2025年 二人展 Hashiru Ueda × Aki Yamanaka「けっこうけだらけ」​@ギャラリー月極​​

copyright © Aki.Yamanaka.All right reserved

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