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Collage (Chigiri-e) Artist

Akihiro Yamanaka was born in Kochi Japan in 1985. His Collage(Chigiri-e: Chigiri means

to tear, e means picture in Japanese) work was inspired by the meeting with a Hand-made


Japanese paper, Tosa Tengujo paper craft man.




Akihiro worked hard to invent and develop his original technics of making amazing piece of


art. As the result of his devotion, his work was not only tear the paper but also dissemble


the Tengujo Paper into fibers. The decomposition makes his work so elaborate


workmanship, and the work so special.



Most of his works were animal pictures done by only black and white to express the

beautifulness of paper itself.


In order to introduce the appeals of Japanese paper through his work to people all over the

world as he was fallen love with the beautifulness of Japanese Paper, he keeps challenging


his new ways of expressions.








1985 Born in Kochi Japan


Currently lives in Kochi


1985年 高知県高知市生まれ、同地在住。


2011 Start Collage(Chigiri-e) work


2011年 ちぎり絵を開始する


2019 His work was gifted to Japanese Emperor, Empress, and Queen Akiko.


2019年 天皇皇后両陛下、彬子女王殿下への献上品として作品を献上



2020 “FUTOUFUKUTSU(Indomitable)” won Gold Award at 33 rd All Japan JapanesePaper Painting/Picture Exhibition


2020年 作品『不撓不屈』第33回全国和紙画展 金賞受賞


2020 “JP” was chosen to exhibit at the entrance of Kochi prefecture Paper Museum


2020年 作品『JP』高知県いの町紙の博物館 正面玄関に無期限展示

2021 “SOCHINOSHI” won Grand Prize at 34 rd All Japan JapanesePaper Painting/Picture Exhibition

2021年 作品『蚤知之士』第34回全国和紙画展 大賞受賞

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